Setting up a Competition

This guide will cover all of the essential steps in creating a competition on the E4S system.

Accessing the Builder

To begin this process, you must first select the Competition Builder button from within the Create menu on the E4s Home Page.

You will then be asked to login. If you already have an E4S account, please proceed to enter your login details. If you need to register for an account, you can click the Sign Up button.

Note: For further support in creating/logging into your account, please click here.

Confirming your Organisation

Once you are logged in, you must then enter your organisation name into the field. As you begin to type into the field, you will be presented with a list of available organisations. If your organisation is within this list you can select it from the list.

While not mandatory, if you would like to upload your organisation logo, you can do so with the Choose File button. Upon clicking this button, you will be required to select the image file from your computer to upload.

Once you have provided the above details, you can proceed with the Submit button. This will take you to the competition builder.

Basic Competition Configuration

Competition Overview

Within the Competition Overview section, there are several elements to configure:

Important Note: All fields labelled with Required are mandatory and must be completed.

The organisation field will automatically be populated for you from when you selected this prior to entering the builder. However, should you need to change this and select another you can do so with the Edit button.


Next, you must set the location of the competition. To begin a location search, click the Search button.

As before, as you begin to type into the field you will be presented with a list of locations that you can select from.


Competition Name

Next you must enter a name for your competition into the Competition Name field.

Note: Your competition name must be 60 characters or less.

Summary Info for Card

You may also write a short summary of the competition to be displayed on the competition card.


The Status checkbox will allow you to mark your competition as active. Once active, the competition will then be visible to other E4S users.

Important Note: All competitions require approval from E4S before they can be set as active.


Within the Dates section of the builder, you will configure the dates and timings of your competition.

Note: All dates entered into date fields must be entered in this format: DD/MM/YYYY. All times entered into time fields must be entered in this format: HH:mm

Competition Date

You must set the date that your competition will be held on within the Competition Date field. You can enter the date manually, or select one via the calendar button.

Date Entries Open

You can set the date and time that entries will open for your competition with the Date Entries Open field. Athletes will only be able to enter the event after the set time. You can enter the date and time manually, or select one via the calendar button.

Closes Date

You must select the closing date for entries within the Closes Date field. Athletes will not be able to enter the event after the set time. You can enter the date and time manually, or select one via the calendar button.

Organiser Contact Info

Within the Organiser section of the builder, you will provide the details of the organiser of the competition.

Contact User Name

You must firstly input the name of the organiser within the Contact User Name field.

Contact Email

You must then input the email address of the competition organiser within the Contact Email field.

Contact Telephone

Should you wish, you may also provide the telephone number of the organiser within the Contact Telephone field.

Contact Visibility

Finally, you can determine whether the organiser’s contact details are visible within the competition details. You can enable/disable visibility with the Make email and telephone visible to athletes box.

Note: If contact details are set to be visible, these will appear next to the Contact Organiser button within the competition card on the E4S website.

Competition Access

Within the Competition Access section of the builder, you will determine who can access your competition.

Athletes Allowed Entry

Firstly, you must select which athletes are permitted to participate in your competition via the Athletes Allowed Entry options. Simply tick the option(s) you would like to apply.

Allow Un-Registered – This allows athletes not affiliated with any athletics organisation to enter the competition.

Allow International – This allows athletes from outside the country to enter the competition.

Simple Registration – This allows athletes to enter the competition by providing only minimal information. (Athletes will only need to provide their name, age and gender)

If Simple Registration has been selected, you will be provided with additional options for to determine if the athletes Club/School details are required for entry.

Competition Level

Next, you can determine the level of your competition within the Competition Level menu. You can select an option by clicking into the field and selecting an option from the menu.

URL Link

Next, you can determine the URL that will be used by athletes to access the competition within the URL Friendly Link field.

Once you have entered your preferred URL, the Copy Link button will appear and allow you to easily copy the URL of the competition to your clipboard.


Finally, if you have produced a flyer for your competition you can upload this to the E4s website to be available for athletes to view. To upload your flyer, click the Choose File button and then select the flyer file from your machine to upload.


Once you have provided all of the mandatory competition information above, in order to proceed you must now select the Save button to save your changes.

You can click this button at any stage throughout the competition builder process. Should you have mandatory fields that you have not yet completed, you will be prompted to ensure that they are completed.

Once your configuration details have been saved successfully, the below prompt will appear at the top of the window.


Within the Prices section of the builder, you can determine the pricing of your competition. From here, you can create multiple pricing profiles for different athletes ( may wish for the cost to vary based on age)

Important Note: This section will only be available once you have saved all of the mandatory competition details above. If you have not yet saved the competition configuration, the below warning will display.

To begin setting the pricing for your competition, select the Create button.


Firstly, you must input a description of the cost within the Description field.

Pricing Calculations

Now that you have given your pricing profile a description, you can configure how much you would like to charge athletes. You can set a price value within the Price field.

You will note that when you have completed the above field, the three fields to the right will automatically update. The below three fields breakdown the distribution of the athlete’s entry cost:

Org Receives – This will detail how much of the athletes entry fee the organisation will receive

E4S Receives – This will detail how much of the athletes entry fee E4S will receive

Athlete Pays – This will detail how much money the athlete will pay to enter an event in the competition.

By default, the E4S Fee Included in Price option will be selected. This means that the E4S fee will automatically be calculated and included within the price you have set for the athlete. Alternatively, if you unselect this option, this will increase the entry fee the athlete must pay to cover the E4S fee. Please see the below examples.

If we set the price to £8, and we include the E4S fee in the price, the athlete will pay the full £8.

If we set the price to £8, and we do not include the E4S fee in the price, the athlete will then pay £8.75

Price Increase

You may wish to increase your price of entry as time passes and the entry window draws closer. If you would like to apply this increase, you must input a date within the Price Increase field. You can enter the date manually, or select one via the calendar button.

Once you have provided a date, you will note that a second pricing calculator will appear. You can now determine the entry fee for athletes both before and after the date specified.

Free Entry

Should you wish to not charge for entry to your event, you can tick the Free Entry box. If you select to apply free entry to your competition, you will not need to complete any of the above price configuration.


Once you have set your preferred pricing configuration, you can save your changes and return to the competition builder with the Save button.

Once you have returned to the builder, you will see an entry for your price profile within the Prices section.

From here, you can perform several actions:

Create – Select the Create button to create another price profile for this competition. You can create as many price profiles as you like.

Edit – Select the Edit button if you wish to amend your price profile

Delete – Select the X button if you wish to delete a price profile

Schedule Configuration

Now that you have set the basic configuration for your competition, it is time to begin creating the events within the competition. To do this, you must firstly navigate to the Schedule tab at the top of the competition builder.

Important Note: You must have created at least one pricing profile before you are permitted to create events. If you have not yet completed this, you will be presented with the below prompt. You can click the Go to prices option that will take you directly to the pricing section of the competition builder.

To begin adding an event, click the Add Event button.

Upon selecting this button, you will be taken to the Basic Event Information form. From here you can configure all aspects of your event.


Within the Discipline/Event section, you will be configuring the type of event you are creating and its start date/time.


Firstly, you must set the type of event you are creating. As you begin to type into the Discipline field, you will be presented with a list of options you can select from.

Note: The first detail of each entry will be the type of event. The bracketed “M” or “F” indicate if the event is suitable for male or female athletes.


Once you have selected a Discipline, you will be presented with gender tick boxes. This will allow you to determine which genders will be eligible to participate in this event.

Note: You will only have both a male and female option if you have selected a discipline that is suitable for both genders.

By default, all available options will be ticked. However if you wish to restrict your event to a particular gender, simply untick the gender you wish to exclude from this event.

Event Date/Time

Next, you must set the date/time of the event within the Event Date/Time fields. You can enter the date and time manually, or select one via the calendar button.

Event Name

Next, you can set the name of the event. By default, the discipline selected will determine the name of the event. You may choose to keep this, however if you wish to determine your own name for the event, you can enter this in the Event Name field.

Note: The name entered into this field will be the name athletes will see when they are reviewing events within the competition.

Estimated Performance

Finally, you can determine if athletes must put an estimated performance on entering the event. This is required if you are going to seed the event based on performance. You can select Required or Not Required as appropriate.

Age Groups

Next, you can select which age groups you would like to be eligible to enter the event. To select an age group, simply tick the box against the age group you would like to include.

If you would like to select ALL of the available age groups, you can do this with the Select All button.

If you would like to de-select ALL of the groups you have ticked, you can do this with the Deselect All button.

If you would like to see the coverage of the ages you have selected, you can view this within the Age Group Coverage panel.


Next, you can select which of your configured pricing profiles you would like to apply to the event. Simply click the Select button against the pricing profile you would like to apply to the event.

Optional Settings

The first of the optional settings is to configure whether entries are allowed for the event. If the event you are setting up is a Final for example, you will not want the event to be open for entries as these will be scheduled based on the outcome of other events in the competition. Enabling this option will allow you disable entries for this event.

If you select this option, you must then select another event within the competition to copy the entries from. You can select the event via the Copy Entries From menu. Click into the field and select the appropriate event.

The second optional setting is to configure whether you would like to split the event based on the age groups selected. You can enable this by clicking the Split Events by Age box. With this enabled, the event will be split into individual events for each of the selected age groups.

As an example, if you were to select the “Under 9” and “Under 11” age groups, when you save the event this will create two events (one for each age group)


Once you have configured the event how you would like, you can save your changes with the Save button.

Editing an Event

Once you have created an event, should you wish to edit the event and alter any of the above configuration you can do this within the Schedule view.

Firstly, click the event that you would like to edit to expand the panel

Then you can click the Edit Event button to re-configure the event.

Alternatively if you wish to remove the event from the competition, you can do so with the Delete Event button.

Event Merging

If you have two separate events that you would like to merge, this is possible within the event setup.

During Event Setup

When you are setting up an event, if you enter an event name that is already present within the competition, you be alerted that a matching event has been identified. With the Edit Matching Event button, you can go directly to this matching event and configure it to remove the need to setup a new event.

Post Event Setup

If you have already created multiple events that you would like to merge, you can merge these also within the event builder.

If we take the below events as an example:

If we would like the second event to merge into the first, you would click into and edit the second event. (Please see above for guidance on how to edit events.)

If you then begin to type in the name of the event you would like to merge it with, you will be presented with a list of matching event names within the competition. Select the event you would like to merge it with and then click the Save button to save your changes.

When you return to the competition schedule, you will then see that the two events will now have merged into one.

Ordering Events

Once you have configured your events within your competition, you can then order them. To begin accessing these settings, click the Show Group Editor Grid button from the schedule view.

This will then display your events as below:

If you would like to manually set the event order, the Event field will determine when the race will take place. For example, if you enter “1” into this field, this will be the first event. If you enter “2” into this field, this will be the second event etc.

Alternatively, you can set the event order automatically based on the event time. You can do this with the Set Event Numbers button. You will then be required to confirm the action with the OK button and this will order your events by their starting times.

Note: This will only be suitable if all events within your competition have had their start times set.

If you would like to clear all of your currently set event times, you can do this with the Remove Event Times button. You will then be required to confirm the action with the OK button and this will then clear all of your event start times from all events.

Once you have ordered your events as required, you can save your changes with the Save button.