1) Navigate to your event settings. Please click here for guidance on how to access this area.
2) Click Check-in

Searching for Athletes
In order to begin the process of checking an athlete in, you must first search for them within the competition. To assist you with this, there are several search fields available for you to locate the athlete:

If for example you were searching for athlete “John Smith”, you could enter “John” into the First Name field, and/or “Smith” into the Last Name field.
Note: The search DOES not require the full name to be entered. This means that if you were to enter “Jo” into the First Name field, this would then identify all athletes with “Jo” in their forename. This applies to ALL fields within this search.
Once you have entered your search criteria, you can begin the search with the Search button.

If you wish to reset the search fields and begin another search, you can do this with the Reset button.

When the search completes, you will be presented with all of the athletes that fulfil the search criteria you have entered.

Important Note: If an athlete appears in red, this means that they have presented at registration outside of the check-in timeframe.

Checking-In Athletes
To check the athlete in for the event, simply click the box of the event you would like to check them in for. This will change the colour to green.
Important Note: There may be multiple events that the athlete is participating in. Ensure all appropriate events are selected.

Once the athlete has been given their bib, you can confirm this by clicking the Bib Collected box. Clicking this box will automatically save your changes.

Once you have made all of your changes, ensure that you click the Save button.

Important Note: You will not need to click this if you have already clicked Bib Collected above.
Re-allocating a Bib Number
If you would like to re-allocate a bib number for an athlete, simply enter the desired bib number into the Change Bib Number field.

Then click the Change button.

You will then be asked to confirm that you are happy to proceed with the change. If you are happy to proceed, click the OK button.

If you would like to cancel the action, click the Cancel button and the bib number will not be changed.