This page will detail how to enter results for height events. In order to input results, you must have first selected the appropriate event and opened the result entry form. For guidance on how to complete this initial step, please click here.
Result Entry Form
Before starting the event, you may wish to configure the progressions. To do this, begin by clicking the settings button in the top right-hand corner of the screen and then select the Progressions option within the Event Options section of the menu.
Important Note: This option will ONLY be available if no results have been entered.

This will launch the progression entry box. From here you can input the required height into the Height field and the desired increment into the Inc field:

The height can be entered manually, or selected via clicking the up and down arrows within the box.
Once both required values have been input, you can add the progression with the Add button.

Once the progression(s) have been added, this will then be visible within the Existing Progressions box

If you wish to remove a progression, simply click the red X button against the progression you would like to remove.

Once you have input all of your required permissions, you can update the card with the Update button. Alternatively, the Close button will return you to the card without saving your changes.

Once the progressions have been set, the card will be automatically updated with the height progression being visible at the top of the card.

They will also be visible a the bottom of the card:

Starting the Event
If the event has yet to start, you will be presented with a blank form. In order to proceed and begin entering results into the form, you must set the initial Start Height and Stands values for all participating athletes.
To set the start height, click into the Start Height field of the athlete you wish to update and either manually enter the height you would like to set, or select from the menu that is presented.

To set the stand position, click into Stands field for the athlete you wish to update and either manually enter the stand position or increase/decrease the value with the up and down buttons.

It will be possible to update these values after the event has begun. Please refer to the Updating Start Heights and Stands section of this page.
By default, all athletes will have a tick next to their bib number to confirm their participation in the event. If for any reason the athlete will no longer be participating, simply untick them from the list.

Once an athlete has been unticked, you will no longer need to set a start height or stand position for them.
Once all start height and stand positions have been set, you can begin the event with the Start Event button.

Event in Progress
Once the event has begun, the results entry form will appear as below.

An athletes name will be highlighted differently based on their eligibility/participation in the current height:
If the athlete’s name is highlighted in blue, this indicates that they are still to take their trial(s) at the current height.
If the athlete’s name is highlighted in grey, this indicates that they are the athlete that is currently taking their trial attempt.
If the athlete’s name is not highlighted at all, this means that they are not participating at this height or they have been eliminated due to number of failures or having retired.
Entering Results
If the athlete has passed the current height, select the O button.

If the athlete has failed the current height, select the X button.

If the athlete is passing this height, select the – button.

If the athlete is missing the current trial, select the m button.

If the athlete has retired, select the r button.

If the athlete has cleared the current height, select the C button.

Once the result has been entered for the current attempt, you can proceed to the second attempt by selecting the second box.

Once you have entered the appropriate result, select the Continue/Next Athlete button to proceed to the next athlete in the form. The system will automatically identify which athlete is next and will bypass any athletes with a higher start height than the current height or any athlete that is no longer participating.

When the results have been entered for the athlete, their name will then highlight in grey to indicate that their results have been entered for the current height.

As you enter results into the form, you will note that the underlying event card will be being updated to display the input results.

Adjusting the Height Increment
When proceeding through the event, you may wish to alter the height increase increment. This will then automatically increase the height by the set increment when all results have been entered for the current height for all participating athletes.
The increment can be set within the Inc field.

In the above example, with a current height set at 1.55, when all athletes have participated in the current height, the next height will be automatically set at 1.6
You can increase/decrease the value in the Inc field by clicking the Up and Down arrow buttons. You may also enter a number manually into the field.

Once this has been set, the event will proceed and increase the height based on the set increment.

In the above example, this time when all athletes have participated in the current height, the next height will be automatically set at 1.65.
Important Note: Upon reaching the next height, the Increment value will be set back to it’s default value of 5. You may however adjust this value accordingly to set the next height.
When setting the increment, this will update the underlying event card accordingly.

Toggling the Card
If you wish to hide the event card in the background while you are entering results, simply select the Toggle Card button.

Pausing the Event
If for any reason you need to pause the event, select the Pause Event button. Once the event has been paused, you will not be able to input any further results until the event is resumed.

Once you are ready to resume the event and proceed with entering results, select the Start Event button.

Updating Start Heights and Stands
Throughout the event, you may need to alter the Start Height of an athlete or adjust the position of the stands. To adjust these options, you must first pause the event (please see above for details).
Updating Start Height
With the event paused, you will note that you can now adjust the start height of the participating athletes.
Important Note: You can only amend the start height of an athlete that has not yet participated in the event.
To amend the start height, click into the Start Height field of the athlete you wish to update and either manually enter the height you would like to set, or select from the menu that is presented.

If the athlete has already participated in the event, you will be unable to amend their start height.

Updating Stands
With the event paused, you can now amend the position of the stands for an athlete via the Stands field. Click into this field for the athlete you wish to update and either manually enter the stand position or increase/decrease the value with the up and down buttons.