This guide will assist you in setting up E4S to read and write to your Photo-Finish system. Before starting this process, it is important to ensure that you have the following in place:
1) A Reader and Capture machine(s) to read photos and capture files from the camera. These can be separate machines, or a single machine performing both roles.
2) A machine with internet access to setup the E4S Integration. This can be a separate machine ( advisable ), or can be handled on either the Reader or Capture machines.
3) All machines must have access to the shared drive that is stores the PF files.
STEP 1: Accessing Photo-Finish Integration Setup
1) On your event card displayed on the home page of E4S, click the blue Information button.
2) Click the Organiser tab
3) Click Photo Finish
STEP 2: Setting the Config
Within the Config tab, you must select the camera system that is in use at the event. Please select either TimeTronics or Lynx.
STEP 3: Input Files
Within the Input Files tab, you will be setting the directory where you will be sending files into the Photo-Finish system ( .par .evt ). This must be within the shared drive that all machines have access to.
1) Click Select Source Folder
2) Click the appropriate folder within the drive and click Select Folder.
3) Click View Files
4) Click Save Changes
Once complete, you will note that a txt file will be created within this folder. The creation of this file will confirm that this step has been completed successfully and the system has access to write to this location.
STEP 4: Output Files
Within the Output Files tab, you will be setting the directory where your result files are saved by Photo-Finish.
1) Click Select Source Folder
2) Click the appropriate folder within the drive and click Select Folder. This must be the folder where the results files will be saved to.
Note: Although not mandatory, it is advisable to place your results files in a separate folder to the schedule files ( .par/.evt ).
3) Click View Files
4) Click Save Changes
5) Select which file types to process:
If you are using the TimeTronix system, ensure that txt is ticked. If you are not using this system, you can untick this box.
If you are using the Lynx system, ensure that lif is ticked. If you are not using this system, you can untick this box.
If you wish to process the image files produced by Photo-Finish, ensure that either png or jpg are ticked. If you do not want to process these files, untick these boxes.
6) Click Start to begin checking for result files. This will check for results files in the output folder every 2 seconds.
If for any reason you need to stop checking for result files, click the Stop button.
This process can be started again at any point by clicking the Start button again.