Taking Results from Photo-Finish

Please follow the below guide in order to access and edit your Photo-Finish output files.

1) Navigate to your Photo-Finish section of your event settings. For guidance on how to access this area, please click here.

2) Click Output files

Any processed results files will display within the Processed Files list.

Within the shared drive of your Photo-Finish system, all processed results files will be transferred into the Processed folder within the directory that you set during your Photo-Finish integration setup.

Manually Updating Results Files

If you would like to manually update a results files from your Photo-Finish system, please follow the below steps.

1) Firstly, select the file from the Processed Files list that you would like to edit.

This will then display the file within the Edit File panel

2) Make any amendments to the text within the field as required, ensuring that the format of the data is not changed.

3) Click Save to save the changes to the results file.

Alternatively, if you wish to cancel your changes click the Cancel button.